
Messiah(¸Þ½Ã¾Æ) |
DISC 1 |
1. Orchestra-Sinfonia ¼°î 
PART1 Á¦1ºÎ ¿¹¾ð / ź»ý
2. Arioso(Tenor): "Comfort ye" ³» ¹é¼ºÀ» À§·Î Ç϶ó
3. Air(Tenor): "Every valley" ¸ðµç °ñÂ¥±â ¸ÞÀ̸®¶ó 
4. Chorus: "And the glory of the Lord" ÁÖÀÇ ¿µ±¤
5. Recit.Accomp(Bass): "Thus saith the Lord" ¸¸±ºÀÇ ÁÖ°¡ ¸»¾¸ÇϽŴÙ
6. Air(Bass): "But who may abide" ÁÖ ¿À½Ã´Â ³¯ ´©°¡ ´ÉÈ÷ ´çÇϸ® 
7. Chorus: "And He shall purify" ±ú²ýÄÉ ÇϽø®¶ó 
8. Recit.(Contr'alto): "Behold, a virgin shall concieve" º¸¶ó µ¿Á¤³à°¡ À×ÅÂÇÏ¿©
9. Air(Contr'alto, Chorus): "O thou that tellest good tidings" ¿À ±â»Û ¼Ò½ÄÀ» ÀüÇÏ´Â ÀÚ¿©
10.Arioso(Bass): "For behold, darkness shall cover the earth" º¸¶ó ¾îµÒÀÌ ¶¥À» µ¤À¸¸ç
11.Air(Bass): "The people that walked in darkness" ¾îµÒ¿¡ ÇàÇÏ´ø ¹é¼ºÀÌ
12.Chorus: ¡°For unto us a Child is born" ¿ì¸®¸¦ À§ÇØ ³ª¼Ì³×
13.Orchestra-Pifa ½Ã½Ç¸®¾Æ ¸ñ°¡
14.Recit.Arioso(Soprano): "There were shepherds", "and lo, the angel of the Lord"
¾î´À ³¯ ¹ã ¾çÄ¡´Â ¸ñÀÚµéÀÌ, º¸¶ó Àú õ»ç°¡ ±×¿¡°Ô ³ªÅ¸³ª¸ç
15.Recit.(Soprano): "And the angel said unto them" Àú õ»ç°¡ ¸»Çϱ⸦
16..Aarioso.(Soprano): "And suddenly there was with the angel"°©Àڱ⠸¹Àº õ±ºµéÀÌ ³ªÅ¸³ª¼
17.Chorus: "Glory to God" ÁÖ²² ¿µ±¤
18.Air(Soprano): "Rejoice greatly" ½Ã¿ÂÀÇ µþ¾Æ Å©°Ô ±â»µÇ϶ó
19.Recit.(Contr'alto): ¡°Then shall the eyes of the blind" ±×¶§ ¼Ò°æÀÇ ´«ÀÌ ¹àÀ» °ÍÀ̸ç
20.Air(Contr'alto,Soprano): "He shall feed His flock" ÁÖ´Â ¸ñÀÚ¿ä
21.Chorus: "His yoke is easy" ±× ¸Û¿¡´Â ½±°í ±× ÁüÀº °¡º¿ö 
PART 2 Á¦2ºÎ ¼ö³ / ¼ÓÁË
22.Chorus: "Behold the Lamb of God" Çϳª´ÔÀÇ ¾î¸°¾çÀ» º¸¶ó
23.Air(Contr'alto): "He was despised" ÁÖ´Â ¸ê½Ã¸¦ ´çÇϼ̳×
24.Chorus: "Surely, He hath borne our griefs" Áø½Ç·Î ÁÖ´Â ±«·Î¿ò ¸ÃÀ¸¼Ì³×
25.Chorus: "And with His stripes" äÂïÀ¸·Î °íÄ¡½Ã³× |
DISC 2 |
1. Chorus: "All we like sheep, have gone astray" ¾ç¶¼°°ÀÌ
2. Arioso(Tenor): "All they that see Him" ÁÖ¸¦ º¸°í Á¶¼ÒÇß³×
3. Chorus: "He trusted in God" ±×¸¦ ¿©È£¿Í ±¸ÇÏ½Ç ÁÙ ¹Ï¾ú³×
4. Recit.Accpmp(Tenor): "Thy rebuke hath broken His heart" Àúµé ºñ³¿¡ ÁÖ´Ô ¸¶À½ »óÇϼ̳×
5. Arioso(Tenor): "Behold, and see" º¸¶ó ÁÖ´ÔÀÇ Å« ±Ù½ÉÀ» 
6. Recit.Accomp.(Soprano): "He was cut off" »êÀÚµéÀÇ ¶¥¿¡¼ ²÷¾îÁö¼Ì³×
7. Air(Soprano): ¡°But Thou didst not leave" ¿©È£¿Í´Â ÁÖÀÇ ¿µÀ» ¹ö¸®Áö ¾Æ´ÏÇϼ̳×
8. Chorus: "Lift up your heads" ¹®µé¾Æ ³ÊÀÇ ¸Ó¸®¸¦ µé¶ó 
9. Recit.(Tenor): "Unto which of the angels" ±×°¡ ¾î´À õ»ç¿¡°Ô ¸»¾¸Çϼ̳ª
10.Chorus: "Let all the angels of God" ¸ðµç õ»ç ÁÖ¸¦ °æ¹èÄÉÇ϶ó
11.Air(Bass): ¡°Thou art gone up on high" ÁÖ´ÔÀº ³ôÀÌ ¿À¸£¼Ì³×
12.Chorus: "The Lord gave the word" ÁÖ°¡ ¸»¾¸ÇϽôÙ
13.Air(Soprano): "How beautiful are the feet of them" ÀúµéÀÇ ¹ßÀÇ ¾Æ¸§´Ù¿òÀÌ¿©
14.Chorus: "Their sound is gone out" ±× ¼Ò¸® ¿Â´©¸®¿¡ ÆÛÁ³³×
15.Air(Bass): "Why do the nations" ¿¹æÀÌ ¾îÂîÇØ ¼·Î ºÐ³ëÇÏ´À³Ä 
16.Chorus: "Let us break their bonds asunder" ÀúµéÀÇ °á¹ÚÀ» ²÷¾î¹ö¸®ÀÚ
17.Recit.(Tenor): "He that dwelleth in heaven" Çϴÿ¡ °è½Å ÁÖ°¡
18.Air(Tenor): "Thou shalt break them: ´ç½ÅÀÌ ÀúµéÀ» ±ú¶ß¸®¸®¶ó
19.Chorus: "Hallelujah!" ÇÒ·¼·ç¾ß 
PART3 Á¦3ºÎ ºÎÈ° / ¿µ»ý
20.Air(Soprano): "I know that my Redeemer liveth" ÁÖ°¡ »ì¾Æ °è½ÉÀ» ³ª´Â ¾È´Ù 
21.Chorus: "Since by man came death" »ç¶÷À» ÀÎÇÏ¿© Á×À½¿ÔÀ¸´Ï
22.Recit.Accomp(Bass): "Behold, I tell you a mystery" º¸¶ó ³»°¡ ³ÊÈñ¿¡°Ô ºñ¹ÐÀ» ¸»Çϳë¶ó
23.Air(Bass): "The trumpet shall sound" ³ªÆÈÀÌ ¿ï¸®¸®¶ó
24.Recit.(Contr'alto): "Then shall be brought to pass" ¼º°æÀÇ ¸»¾¸ÀÌ ÀÀÇϸ®¶ó
25.Duet(Contr'alto,Tenor): "O death, where is thy sting?" »ç¸Á¾Æ ³ÊÀÇ ½î´Â °ÍÀÌ ¾îµð ÀÖ´À³Ä?
26.Chorus: "But thanks be to God" Çϳª´Ô²² °¨»çµå¸®ÀÚ
27.Air(Soprano): "If God be for us" Çϳª´ÔÀÌ ¿ì¸®¸¦ À§ÇÏ½Ã¸é ´©°¡ ´ëÀûÇϸ®¿ä?
28.Chorus: "Worthy is the Lamp" Á×ÀÓ ´çÇϽŠ¾î¸°¾ç |
DISC 3 - ¸Þ½Ã¾Æ ÇÕâ¸ðÀ½°î |
1. ¼°î Orchestra-Sinfonia 
PART1 Á¦1ºÎ ¿¹¾ð / ź»ý
2. ÁÖÀÇ ¿µ±¤ "And the glory of the Lord"
3. ±ú²ýÄÉ ÇϽø®¶ó "And He shall purify" 
4. ¿À ±â»Û ¼Ò½ÄÀ» ÀüÇÏ´Â ÀÚ¿© "O thou that tellest good tidings"
5. ¿ì¸®¸¦ À§ÇØ ³ª¼Ì³× ¡°For unto us a Child is born"
6. ÁÖ²² ¿µ±¤ "Glory to God"
7. ±× ¸Û¿¡´Â ½±°í ±× ÁüÀº °¡º¿ö "His yoke is easy"
PATR2 Á¦2ºÎ ¼ö³ / ¼ÓÁË
8. Çϳª´ÔÀÇ ¾î¸°¾çÀ» º¸¶ó "Behold the Lamb of God"
9. Áø½Ç·Î ÁÖ´Â ±«·Î¿ò ¸ÃÀ¸¼Ì³× "Surely, He hath borne our griefs"
10.äÂïÀ¸·Î °íÄ¡½Ã³× "And with His stripes"
11.¾ç¶¼°°ÀÌ "All we like sheep, have gone astray" 
12.±×¸¦ ¿©È£¿Í ±¸ÇÏ½Ç ÁÙ ¹Ï¾ú³× "He trusted in God"
13.¹®µé¾Æ ³ÊÈñ ¸Ó¸®¸¦ µé¶ó "Lift up your heads"
14.¸ðµç õ»ç ÁÖ¸¦ °æ¹èÄÉÇ϶ó "Let all the angels of God"
15.ÁÖ°¡ ¸»¾¸ÇϽô٠"The Lord gave the word"
16.±× ¼Ò¸® ¿Â´©¸®¿¡ ÆÛÁ³³× "Their sound is gone out"
17.ÀúµéÀÇ °á¹ÚÀ» ²÷¾î¹ö¸®ÀÚ "Let is break their bonds asunder"
18.ÇÒ·¼·ç¾ß "Hallelujah!" 
PART3 Á¦3ºÎ ºÎÈ° / ¿µ»ý
19.»ç¶÷À» ÀÎÇÏ¿© Á×À½¿ÔÀ¸´Ï "Since by man came death"
20.Çϳª´Ô²² °¨»çµå¸®ÀÚ "But thanks be to God"
21.Á×ÀÓ ´çÇϽŠ¾î¸°¾ç - ¾Æ¸à "Worthy is the Lamb"  |
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